Monday, May 5, 2008

Happy Cindo De Mayo

I miss California on days like today! There would have been parties everyone! haha Any ways. We had a LONG weekend followed by a LONG Monday. It rained ALL day and was very humid so the grout wasn't drying. So the bathroom didn't get finished yet. No pictures to post today. I want to wait until it is completely done. One more day and it is going to look awesome. It already looks a million times better and a LOT bigger! Can't wait......still..............


Loni said...
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Loni said...

I miss California every cinco de mayo and I haven't lived there since I was 10! Did you ever see Lacy and I do any folklorico baile? Or folklorical ballet is what I thought we were doing at the time, hehe. Our mother had us take classes, and every cinco de mayo we would perform in at least a couple of festivals. How funny that must have looked with us white girls all frilled up in authentic Mexican dress. MAN, do I miss those parties! But hey look on the bright side, I can't even get corn tortillas or green chilies to make some decent Mexican food!