Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Family Reunion ( from Tyler's point of view )

On our family reunion everyone had cameras and were taking pictures. Even 9 year old Genna. Tyler felt left out and wanted to use mommy's camera. I told him he could use my little red camera I keep in my purse. He was thrilled. Good news was he got to take some pictures for a day or two. Bad news...I hadn't charged the battery so it died on day two and he was a very sad little boy. I was going through his pictures and they made me laugh. He is so random in his pictures and my favorite of all of them had to be this

LOVE IT! He got 3 butts in one shot! That's my kind of boy. He also did a couple of self portraits. Which cracks me up because I always did that when I was younger.

The second one is pretty epic if you ask me!

Then we got a half shot of Genna

Then he decided to take some of the scenery

I love how the first picture is of the guard rail. heehee

Now we got a half shot of me and some other people sitting around talking

And then one of Nana taking pictures of Kayla

And lastly, a lone chair...

another epic shot by the awesome Tyler! You rock Tyler


Allison said...


Pure Images said...

That is so cute!!!!

Kristy Lou said...

I LOVE IT!! So cute, and it is neat to have the whole thing from a little ones POV.

kailiaelf said...

Ethan has been wanting to take pictures. I'm thinking of getting him one of those vtech cameras. I love the guardrail one, btw. :-)

Kade and Emily said...

That's pretty funny. We let maryn loose with our camera last weekend. There are a bunch of pictures of my can for some reason. I guess it's just eye level.