Saturday, September 22, 2012

Texas And Crocheting

Per request of my sister who is "bored" I decided to try and write a blog post real quick.  Not sure how that will go over since I wanted to go for a run right now but I need to get caught up.  I am going to TRY and post new and old stuff at the time time.  If I just try to catch up it will never happen, plus I won't get anything new up because I will be stuck working on old stuff.

So here goes nothing...

We had a good summer.  Really we did.  Lots of things to do and lots of family we got to see.  It was nice.  We even got to go out to Texas which was so nice.  I found I REALLY enjoy the dry heat more then the humidness of Texas.  That won't stop me from moving back there but I definitely won't enjoy sweating while sleeping.  One time while we were in Texas I pulled my sunglasses out of my purse and they were fogged up!  Seriously, they fogged up just sitting in my purse.

It was good seeing family and friends.  It was a successful trip and I will try and get pictures shrunk so I can add some for that trip.  Here are a few that I already had shrunk.

This is a picture of Madison and I.  I crocheted her this hat.  I went crochet CRAZY in the car while we drove to and from Texas and every where in between.  This picture shows you all of the hats I ended up with by the time I got home.  This doesn't include the 3 or 4 hats I left with people while I was there.   :)

It was fun.  I liked being able to get that many hats done at one time.  The owl one is for me.  Now if only the cold weather could get here already so I can actually wear it.

I have gotten WAAAAAAAAAAAAY into crocheting.  Just like anything I pick up it just consumes me for a while.  Crochet has been one of those things.  It has just totally taken over.  I bet I have easily made over 40 hats since picking up the practice back in November.  It has almost been a year since starting and I am so happy I decided to learn.  So if you haven't received a crochet hat from me yet, you may eventually.  :)

Well, this was a short post and it wasn't very exciting or interesting but that is it for now.  A couple of weeks ago I did my first 5K run.  It was a mud run and it was so much fun!  However I fell during it and hurt my leg.  I'll post pictures another time.  But so the last few weeks I have been taking it easy as far as exercise goes.  But I am doing another 5K soon and I don't want to be completely out of shape by the time it comes around.  If I fall this time, I could get eaten by zombies!  Did I mention it's a monster mash?  It's a 5K run a couple of days before Halloween and there are obstacles you have to do throughout the race and zombies run after you!  Sounds fun to me.  :)  I promise to try to post more even if they are short updates.  Thanks for reminding me to write Kim

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